Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oops! This should've been posted yesterday.

So I've already messed up this whole posting business by not doing one on the second day! Go figure, right? But i really didn't do much yesterday, besides class and Glee, which is the new love of my life, sad right. I watched some videos on youtube in fallons room some hilarious bloopers wich are always a pick me up on slow days. I didn't smoke at all yesterday and for some reason that put me in a great mood. i was happy and cheerful up until the back or my lip ring fell out and i struggled for like ten minutes to put it back in. not only was it irritated and it hurt, but then i had to soak it and i felt like i was drowning myself for five minutes. this thing is a pain right now but i'm sure after a few weeks it'll be all good. I nee to find $3 to get on the train this week, because once again my PNC account has failed me. I not only transfered money like monday but it says that online I can withdraw the $10 minimum that the machines have. SO today I went down to try it and it wouldn't let me! I was heartbroken but it'll all work out I guess.

today was no different than yesterday. I woke up at noon, showered and ate, and then went to take my first test in college ever. It took me 13 minutes and then my teacher let me leave when I was done. That being my hardest class, I was surprised by how easy and how quickly I took the test. Not bad, ehh?

But for right now, I'm going to go on youtube and watch more bloopers and collegehumor videos. If you haven't seen them, check it out cause it's truely amazing shit. Also, vist too because you;ll love it, or at least you better. But thats it for now, maybe later i'll add more.

See ya!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So this is new to me...

I had the urge to just go out and start writing a diary again, which I have not done since I was like 7, andeven then I failed horribly. But I'm in college now and these are the moments I want to remember and I cna't even remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday, so this seemed like a grand idea.

So I'm loving college so far, not as much as I thought I originally would, but with every passing day I find that I love it more and more. The friends I have a priceless, and the times we spend together, especially badmitton, are the most memorable experiences I think I can get. They don't drink, therefore I don't drink, but I miss it so much. There will be enough of that this weekend though :)

Speaking of this weekend, I am beyond excited. It's seva's birthday! Therefore, I plan on drinking the entire time I'm home. Friday will be fun going out to eat and seeing everyone who hates me or misses me (there are a bunch of both back home). Then after eating out me and Sev are going to Bens, who is like the older brother I wish I had. It's our star wars wedding friday so I can't wait! Oh, i'm going to have some great memories. I don't know if I can upload pictures on this, but if I can you'll see what I mean. This kid came into class today and was on a water fast. I want to loose some weight before I go home but i don't know if that is how I'm going to do it (alittle to extreme for me). Saturday will be just as entertaining, not only because i'm seeing the one person who I think I love(not really sure yet) but also because i'm going shopping adn once again partying! I plan to do alot of that this weekend.

But enough of what I'm going to do, I made this to remember what I have done these days. We played badmitton today, which is always fun for us. Me, Jazmyne(my roomie), fallon, rohan, and derek all treked over to the pavillion and it was great! I don't think i've ever had that much fun doing exercise, or what exercise feels like to me! It was all fun and games until derek and rohan decided to not only keep the ball away from me, but aim for my face too! Derek hits hard and he came close twice, both attempts ending with Rohan on the floor in the fetal position laughing his ass off. Then when we switched up teams rohan actually hit me, which hurt but I'm a trooper so we just kept playing. I just wish times like these never stop.

I think another reason why I wanted to start this is because i'm trying this "new me" thing out. Not only did I cut alot of my hair off a few weeks ago, but i got my lip pierced yesterday! I was so excited and it definately didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. It's great except for when I brush my teeth and smoke. Those are the only too things that cause me alittle pain and discomfort(go figure, right?!?). Idk, aside from that, I'm having the time of my life away from home. My best friend Courtney skyped with me today and i'm so excited to see her and her new man, if we can call him that, and also cam, who is super awesome, yet he stalks me all the time. Idk, I love him anyways. I have class at 8 though, so i'm afraid that unless I can't sleep, I'm going to call it a night on this thing. This isn't the worst I've done lol.